Moroy Hudieras is a simple man from Tigum, Pavia. But in 1998, he shot to prominence in Pavia, Iloilo after armed goons barged into his home one evening and threatened him to stop campaigning for then congressional candidate Boboy Syjuco and mayoralty candidate Bing Gonzaga. Hudieras was one of the hardest working campaigners of the Gonzaga camp, that's why. He happened to be one of the top political lieutenants of Arcadio "Cadio" Gorriceta, the man behind Gonzaga's candidacy.
A fierce Gorriceta loyalist, Hudieras refused to be intimidated. To the surprise of the armed goons, Hudieras leaped at one of them and tried to grab his cal. 38 revolver. But the trigger finger moved faster, and three shots rang out in the stillness of the night. Moroy was hit in the belly, and he fell to the floor, mortally wounded. Those gunshots was heard not just in Tigum, but in the entire second district, because it symbolized the terror tactics that the political enemies of Cadio Gorriceta were willing to employ. Everybody in Pavia knew about it.
But Cadio Gorriceta seems to have amnesia. Yesterday, Oct. 14, Cadio was interviewed by Aksyon Radyo's Joel Tormon to get his reaction on the oppression and harassment complaint filed by Rodolfo "Moroy" Hudieras against the municipal mayor. Gorriceta had ordered Moroy to be assigned to lift garbage cans despite his full knowledge that the utility worker was weak as a result of those bullet wounds 10 years ago. He wanted to harass Moroy for refusing to denounce Syjuco. This was the punishment of a vindictive mayor who cannot tolerate subordinates having other loyalties than to him.
To the surprise of the people of Pavia, Gorriceta told a big lie when he said he was not aware that Moroy Hudieras was a shooting victim 10 years ago, and that his medical condition continued to be closely monitored by his doctor. "How can I possibly know each one of the 300 employees in the municipal government?" he lied through his teeth. Not even Bing Gonzaga, the articulate Sanggunian Bayan and staunch Gorrceta supporter, could stomach such lie. So Gonzaga called up Tormon and admitted that Moroy Hudieras is "close" to the mayor. It was his gentle way of refreshing the poor memory of the super mayor.
It's a good thing that this capacity of Cadio Gorriceta to tell blatant lies was exposed to the public. This is the true character of the man --- arrogant, manipulator, exploiter, schemer, liar, and thief.
He can afford to deny his friendship with a man who almost lost his life for the political cause of Cadio Gorriceta. He can also afford to betray the trust and confidence of the people of Pavia.
Cadio smokes peace pipe with Syjuco
After growling and snarling like a fierce and angry tiger, super mayor
Arcadio Gorriceta has rapidly transformed into a meek kitten with a gentle
meow when...
16 years ago
There's this guy who's telling people that he was with super mayor Cadio Gorriceta when Frank hit Pavia at the Promenade Restaurant. He's described as a big man with fair complexion, and a businessman. He claims he was with Cadio all the time that Pavia was hit by the flood.
here's how he told it:
"Cadio invited me to go to Promenade Restaurant early Saturday morning. He said he wanted to be in a safe place, and there's no safer place than the fourth floor of the Atrium. Bob Sarria, another friend, was also there. We had breakfast. Cadio told us to enjoy eating while the typhoon raged. 'Dont mind the typhoon,' he said.
At around 8:30, Cadio received a call from a Dr. Alipao. She's the former mayor of Alimodian, and wife of the present mayor. She was calling Cadio to warn him about the dangerous flood that was headed for Pavia. Order an immediate evacuation, she urged him. Cadio jst nodded and nodded, and his face turned white. He was paralyzed with fear.
After he hung up the phone, we asked him what caused him to be afraid. He told us there's a big flood coming to Pavia. So we asked him, shouldn't you go to Pavia and warn the people? Shouldn't you mobilize the police and fire department and the barangay tanods for an orderly evacuation?
'no,' he answered.
He was silent for a few minutes.
Let's enjoy breakfast, he said.
Without any sense of urgency, he just called his assistant, Yaye Geroche, to stand-by because there might be a big flood. He did not order a mass evacuation. Which surprised me and Bob Sarria. Why don't you go to Pavia now? we pressed him on.
'what? you expect me to go there and face the risk of getting drowned? i don't even want to get wet!'
after he had finished breakfast, the aksyon radyo station called him up for interview. he narrated the conversation with dr. Alipao. he made it sound as if he were in the field, wet, and directing the operations. all the time he was just there at the promenade, enjoying his breakfast and coffee with us. i was there! i am not lying!
when it was almost noon, cadio invited us to go around the city to look at the damage of the typhoon. we were like sightseers looking at the devastation of frank. never did cadio looked worried about pavia. he bought food from chow king and visited larry gorriceta. there, they talked about the deaths of several hundred pigs in larry's piggery. i asked him, why are you more worried about the pigs? those pigs represent the wealth of the gorricetas, he replied. what about the people who are drowning? ahhh! let them die, he answered.
I cannot disclose the name of this man for his own sake. But Cadio should beware of the people he goes out with. They also talk.
With this story, i am not surprised that he can deny Moroy Hudieras.
ara ako didto sa days hotel when frank hit iloilo. i saw cadio there with bob sarria and other friends. he didn't look worried at all. in fact, he seemed to be enjoying his coffee. from all appearances, he enjoyed being away from the danger.
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