As expected, the Panay Federation of Sugar Producers sidestepped the issue about the Thomas Crown affair 10 years ago by giving super mayor Arcadio "Cadio" Gorriceta a clean bill of health about any "obligations" with the organization.
In a story ran by The Daily Guardian today, October 14, Atty. Aloysius de la Cruz, corporate secretary of the Panay Fed, said that Gorriceta is "cleared of any obligations" and chose to ignore questions about whether the alleged filching of P1.3 million intended as downpayment for the importation of tractors is true or not.
The straight answer would have been: That is not true, super mayor Arcadio Gorriceta never took any money that belonged to Panay Fed and that allegation is a pure lie.
But no, Atty. de la Cruz just said Gorriceta is "cleared of any obligations."
What does this mean?
It appears that Atty. de la Cruz is telling the public: read my lips.
If he said "cleared of any obligations," then it presupposes that Gorriceta had an obligation, and that he managed to restitute the entire amount after the grand larceny was discovered. He even tried to forcibly take out the 2nd check of P650,000 which was in the office of Panay Fed. He was just forced to replace this check with smaller amounts of post dated checks after the watchman testified it was Cadio who took the check.
Hence, if this is the way Atty. de la Cruz put his answer to the question, then I can safely conclude that the information is true and correct, and this blog wasn't lying in the first place.
Now, why doesn't Cadio squarely answer the question?
Did he take the money from Eli Bagtasus or not?
Cadio smokes peace pipe with Syjuco
After growling and snarling like a fierce and angry tiger, super mayor
Arcadio Gorriceta has rapidly transformed into a meek kitten with a gentle
meow when...
16 years ago
Ang buot silingon sina, nga si cadio tried to steal the money, but when he was caught, he paid it back. hence, cleared of obligations. wala na siya obligation coz he's paid the whole amount. malas niya lang kay nabalahuba, hehehe. vic fac dies dies laughing.
i think the truth about the Panay Fed scandal can be found in the document posted in
Just click on the link under the article entitled "Caught Red-Handed." It's a letter sent by Ely Bagtasus, supplier of the tractors, to Panay Fed sometime in 2002. It tells us everything about the scandal.
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